Sunday, 4 November 2012

Notes on direction

I went to the library to have a look at past dissertations for theorists and books that I should look at and I found a couple of dissertations that were on being a graphic designer in the music industry. My dissertation is more directed towards the importance of branding in the music industry but one of the dissertations did have a case study on the X-Factor and how it was a factory for pop start, branding pre-prepaired pop artists.

Looking at how branding is used in celebrity culture with a focus on the Music industry.

Investigating the importance of graphic design / branding in celebrity culture with a focus on the Music industry;

  • How are obsession with branding has meant that artists need to brand themselves for publicity and to be successful. To be successful you need to be famous / in the lime light - and to achieve this you have to brand yourself. Look at theories of identity,
  • How does colour, type, design and semiotic impact achieve this fame. 


Celebrity & Power, Fame in contemporary culture - Marshall
Idendity - Bauman
Media Semiotics - Bignel
Culture & Idendity - Kidd
Essays of Music - Adorno
The Culture Industry - Adorno
Ways of Seeing - Berger
Thinking Pop Culture - Brabazon
A Sound art, behind music, between categories - Licht, A


Grafik - Issue 185


Adorno - On Popular Culture


Adorno -
Max Horhilimer
Herbert Marcuse


Mass Culture
Pop Culture
High Art
Pseudo Individualism


Interview with graphic designers in the music industry
Inverview with artists / djs / producers who are trying to get noticed to be successful.

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